Global Business Management

Driven by Global Sales and Marketing

CCBC 2024

15TH & 17TH MAY 2024
The Cross-Cultural Business Conference is an international conference that takes place at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria. It is hosted by the study degree programme Global Sales and Marketing.The CCBC 2024 provides an opportunity for lecturers and researchers to advance knowledge and discuss the latest developments in the fields of Global Business, Marketing, Sales and Service Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Higher Education Research, Teaching and Learning and Human Resources Management.
In a bid to broaden its impact, the Conference now stands on 3 pillars.
Beyond the traditional research paper focus (pillar 1), CCBC invites educators and researchers to also submit compelling case studies tailored for teaching purposes (pillar 2). This expansion aims to bridge theory and practice by showcasing innovative pedagogical methods, ethical dilemmas, and real-world problem-solving scenarios within cross-cultural business. Backed by popular demand, CCBC 2024 will also offer 4 interactive workshops (pillar 3). Our conference motto, "Resilience Redefined: Thriving Amidst Change," encapsulates the spirit of adapting, thriving, and excelling in the face of evolving challenges.
With an emphasis on multidisciplinary applications and fostering engaging learning experiences, selected research contributions and case studies which meet the quality standards will be invited to dedicated volumes published by Springer.
The Booklet of Abstracts is now available: BOOKLET OF ABSTRACTS_2024 final.pdf.